Plain Spanish Glossary of Unemployment Insurance Terms

Updated September 29, 2023

This is a working list of plain Spanish translations and recommended usage for common unemployment insurance terms. All content contained in this glossary has been tested and validated for readability and comprehension with Spanish-speaking workers in New Jersey. We will be adding more terms to this list as we conduct more testing and continue to validate additional terms for plain language.

As of March 31, 2023, this list follows guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor's UI Lexicon Project and was developed from research conducted by U.S. Digital Response in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Labor, Nava PBC, Truss, Legal Services of NJ, and workers in New Jersey.

If you are working on plain language or language access for unemployment insurance and are interested in receiving support in this area, we are here to help! Learn more about our Language Access work, or contact us anytime.

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