Known results
We have only been able to find results about chat’s effectiveness at reducing call volume for states that have implemented “prompted” chat systems, and from only two of the vendors.
Colorado (Google Chat Bot): “the virtual agent solves user questions about 90% of the time”
Illinois (Google Chat Bot): “the web chatbot interacts with upwards of 100,000 constituents a day.” Google Chat Bot
New Jersey Google Chat Bot): “In its first 3 days of operation, the chat feature engaged with approximately 50,000 user interactions, freeing up time for agents to focus on claims that need intervention rather than answering frequently-asked questions.” Google Chat Bot.
Texas (AWS & Accenture): Over several months, answered Qs from 2.3 million people and save their staff from answering hundreds of thousands of calls
While all this data is promising, it leaves out how many people were confused by the chat system or just otherwise didn’t get their questions answered. That said, if your chat system is set up to help people get answers to the most common questions you see coming in through higher-cost support channels, chances are that you are well set up to deflect those inbounds.
If you are interested in working with USDR on updating your customer support mechanisms, don't hesitate to reach out by filling out this form.
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