Retroactive PUA – Fact-finding form design

Created for states using the FAST UI platform and tested for usability, these prototypes can be used as a blueprint for any state, regardless of platform or vendor.

View all Retroactive PUA Eligibility materials as Google Documents and download in your preferred format.

Figma Prototypes (English & Spanish)

Retroactive PUA Eligibility Form Flow with FAST UI Components - English
Retroactive PUA Eligibility Form Flow with FAST UI Components - Spanish


  • Display hover states when user mouses over buttons

  • Yes/No (Si/No) Buttons should be above the fold (640 px)

  • Made helper text grey to de-emphasize the hierarchy

  • Made the Yes/No (Si/No) buttons black and bold to emphasize these buttons

If user selects Yes:

  • Display “From" and “To" date picker fields

  • Display button to add more dates upon entering date in “To” field

  • “Next” button disabled until user fills in all dates in date picker

If user selects No:

  • “Next” button becomes active

Last updated