Scheduling / queue management tool - Questions

Here are some key questions to ask as you evaluate a scheduling / queue management tool.

Resident experience

  • What’s the overall flow for scheduling?

  • Flow for scheduling an appointment ahead of time

  • Flow for scheduling a day-of visit and schedule a real-time walk-in

  • Lightweight screener at time of booking to confirm eligibility

  • Do they have a way to upload eligibility information? (e.g. ID card)

  • Reminders: day before, day-of, “you’re up soon”, with information on what to expect to prepare them in advance

  • Ability to reschedule and/or cancel

Provider on-site experience

  • Workflow manager

  • 2-way messaging between resident and provider

  • Determine whether 1st or 2nd shot and what the brand is

  • Manually add patients

Admin experience

  • Easily manage multiple locations at the same time, manage # of lines available

  • Dynamic scheduling day-of

  • Grace period for residents running late

  • Ability to shut off line (e.g. if running behind)

  • Cancel a block of appointments (e.g. due to weather) and message people about the cancellation

  • Easy access to vaccination data for reporting purposes.

For more information on trends observed in the field .

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