Technical architecture

This section is for technical readers and outlines the architecture fundamentals to feasibly stand up your infrastructure.

The technical architecture of a VAF can be broken up into several major components, from most granular to most resident-facing:

  1. Scripts that load up-to-date appointment information for each provider location. See Data extraction methods.

  2. A database listing vaccine provider locations (this does not need to store appointment information, but does need to be easy for non-technical staff to edit). See Database considerations.

  3. An infrastructure layer that runs the data loading scripts, stores their results, and makes the results available to the front-end. There are two altitudes of infrastructure:

    1. Simple infrastructure: Use git/GitHub to store and share data, and GitHub Actions (or another CI provider) to run data loading scripts on a tight schedule (e.g. every 10 minutes). This works well for small states with fewer than 750 provider locations and typically cost between $50 and $500 per month. USDR recommends that you implement this first and then move to a more complicated infrastructure if needed.

    2. Complex infrastructure (e.g. Azure or AWS): Larger states will have more data, more frequent updates, and may need a more complex infrastructure. This can cost about $500-1,000 per month.

  4. A front-end to display the data. You may have a COVID-19 information site where this should be displayed, but we recommend developing it separately and using an iframe or scripts to include it in the main site.

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