Learning & Development Overview
This section covers the key elements of developing team members that impacts their individual growth and the success of the organization.
What Is Learning & Development?
Learning and Development (L&D) encompasses structured, ongoing efforts to boost employee performance through a mix of educational methods. It includes upskilling (acquiring new skills), reskilling (updating existing skills), and professional development.
These initiatives have increasingly become priority considerations to achieve strategic mission-critical goals, and to continually provide opportunities for growth.
Who Are the Stakeholders for Learning & Development?
In larger organizations, the responsibility for learning and development often falls to a dedicated Learning and Development (L&D) function or team. Additionally, Human Resources (HR) departments or direct managers may also play key roles in overseeing and implementing training programs.
For smaller organizations, more direct responsibility may fall on the managers and individual employees if a dedicated L&D function doesn't exist internally or in HR.
What Is Covered in This Section?
We'll dive into the importance of Learning and Development (L&D) in enhancing employee performance through upskilling and reskilling.
We'll discuss how aligning L&D initiatives with organizational goals fosters a culture of continuous learning, which in turn boosts innovation, retention, and performance
We'll outline the steps for establishing a robust L&D function, including assessing skill gaps and integrating continuous learning opportunities into the organizational framework to support employee growth and organizational success
We'll provide learning platforms and additional resources that can be leveraged for your L&D program
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